All About Scream

Siswa SMA Casey Becker ( Drew Barrymore ) menerima panggilan telepon genit dari orang tak dikenal (disuarakan oleh Roger L. Jackson ), bertanya, "Apa film favorit Anda menakutkan?" The situation quickly escalates out of control as the caller turns sadistic and threatens her life. Situasi dengan cepat meningkat di luar kendali sebagai pemanggil berubah sadis dan mengancam hidupnya. He reveals that her boyfriend Steve ( Kevin Patrick Walls ) is being held hostage. Dia mengungkapkan bahwa pacarnya Steve ( Kevin Patrick Walls ) sedang disandera. After failing to accurately answer a question about horror films, Steve is murdered. Setelah gagal untuk secara akurat menjawab pertanyaan tentang film horor, Steve dibunuh. When Casey refuses to cooperate with the caller, she is attacked and murdered by a masked killer, and her corpse is hung from a tree. Ketika Casey menolak untuk bekerja sama dengan penelepon, dia diserang dan dibunuh oleh pembunuh bertopeng, dan mayatnya digantung dari pohon.
The following day, the news media descend on the town and a police investigation begins. Hari berikutnya, media berita turun di kota dan penyelidikan polisi dimulai. Meanwhile, Sidney Prescott ( Neve Campbell ) struggles with the impending one-year anniversary of her mother's murder by Cotton Weary ( Liev Schreiber ). Sementara itu, Sidney Prescott ( Neve Campbell ) perjuangan dengan peringatan satu tahun yang akan datang pembunuhan ibunya dengan Cotton Weary ( Liev Schreiber ). While waiting at home for her friend Tatum Riley ( Rose McGowan ), Sidney receives a threatening phone call. Sementara menunggu di rumah temannya Tatum Riley ( Rose McGowan ), Sidney menerima telepon ancaman. After she hangs up, she is attacked by the killer. Billy Loomis ( Skeet Ulrich ) arrives and offers support, but after he drops his cell phone Sidney suspects him of making the call. Setelah dia menutup telepon, dia diserang oleh si pembunuh. Billy Loomis ( Skeet Ulrich ) tiba dan menawarkan dukungan, tapi setelah dia menjatuhkan telepon genggamnya Sidney tersangka dia membuat panggilan. She flees. Dia melarikan diri. Billy is arrested and Tatum takes Sidney home. Billy ditangkap dan Tatum mengambil Sidney rumah.
Billy is released the next day. Billy dirilis pada hari berikutnya. Suspicion has shifted to Sidney's father Neil Prescott (Lawrence Hecht), as the calls have been traced to his phone. Kecurigaan telah bergeser ke Sidney ayah Neil Prescott (Lawrence Hecht), sebagai panggilan telah dilacak ke telepon. School is suspended in the wake of the murders. Sekolah ditangguhkan setelah pembunuhan. After the students have left the school, Principal Himbry ( Henry Winkler ) is stabbed to death in his office. Setelah siswa telah meninggalkan sekolah, Kepala Sekolah Himbry ( Henry Winkler ) adalah ditikam sampai mati di kantornya. Billy's friend Stu Macher throws a party to celebrate the school closure. Billy teman Stu Macher mengadakan pesta untuk merayakan penutupan sekolah. The party is attended by Sidney, Tatum, their friend Randy Meeks ( Jamie Kennedy ), and several other students. Pesta ini dihadiri oleh Sidney, Tatum, teman mereka Randy Meeks ( Jamie Kennedy ), dan beberapa murid lainnya. Reporter Gale Weathers ( Courteney Cox ) attends uninvited to cover the situation, as she expects the killer to strike. Reporter Gale Weathers ( Courteney Cox ) hadir tanpa diundang untuk menutupi situasi, saat dia mengharapkan si pembunuh untuk menyerang. Tatum is murdered during the party by having her neck crushed in a garage door. Tatum dibunuh selama pesta dengan memiliki lehernya hancur dalam pintu garasi. Billy arrives to speak to Sidney privately, and the two ultimately consummate their relationship. Deputy sheriff Dewey Riley ( David Arquette ) and Gale investigate a nearby abandoned car. Billy tiba untuk berbicara dengan Sidney pribadi, dan hubungan dua mereka pada akhirnya sempurna. Deputi Sheriff Dewey Riley ( David Arquette ) dan Gale menyelidiki sebuah mobil ditinggalkan di dekatnya. Many party attendees are drawn away after hearing news of Himbry's death; Randy, Sidney, Billy, Stu, and Gale's cameraman Kenny ( W. Earl Brown ) remain. Peserta banyak pihak tertarik pergi setelah mendengar berita kematian Himbry itu, Randy, Sidney, Billy, Stu, dan juru kamera Gale itu Kenny ( W. Earl Brown ) tetap.
After having sex, Sidney and Billy are attacked by the killer, who seemingly murders Billy. Setelah berhubungan seks, Sidney dan Billy diserang oleh pembunuh, yang tampaknya pembunuhan Billy. Sidney escapes the killer and seeks help from Kenny, but he too is attacked and killed. Sidney lolos pembunuh dan mencari bantuan dari Kenny, tapi ia juga diserang dan dibunuh. Sidney again flees. Sidney lagi melarikan diri. Gale and Dewey, having discovered the car belongs to Neil Prescott, return to the house. Gale dan Dewey, setelah menemukan mobil milik Neil Prescott, kembali ke rumah. They believe Neil is the killer and has come to the party to continue his spree. Mereka percaya Neil adalah pembunuh dan telah datang ke pesta untuk melanjutkan kesenangan nya. Gale attempts to leave the scene in her van but drives off-road and crashes to avoid hitting Sidney. Gale mencoba untuk meninggalkan tempat kejadian dalam van-nya tapi drive off-road dan crash untuk menghindari memukul Sidney. Meanwhile Dewey is stabbed in the back while investigating in the house. Sementara Dewey adalah menikam di belakang sementara menyelidiki di rumah. Sidney takes Dewey's gun. Sidney mengambil pistol Dewey. Stu and Randy appear and accuse each other of being the killer. Stu dan Randy muncul dan saling menuduh sebagai pembunuh. Sidney retreats into the house, where she finds Billy, wounded but still alive. Retret Sidney ke rumah, di mana dia menemukan Billy, terluka namun masih hidup. She gives Billy the gun; he lets Randy into the house and then shoots him. Dia memberikan Billy pistol, ia membiarkan Randy ke dalam rumah dan kemudian menembaknya. Billy has feigned his injuries and is actually the killer; Stu is his accomplice. Billy telah berpura-pura cedera dan sebenarnya pembunuh; Stu adalah komplotannya. Billy and Stu discuss their plan to kill Sidney and frame her father – whom they have taken hostage – for their murder spree. Billy dan Stu membahas rencana mereka untuk membunuh Sidney dan kerangka ayahnya - yang mereka telah disandera - untuk foya pembunuhan mereka. The pair admit to being the killers of her mother Maureen . Pasangan ini mengaku menjadi pembunuh ibunya Maureen . Billy says he was motivated to seek revenge on Maureen because of an affair she was having with Billy's father, Hank (CW Morgan), which drove his mother away. Billy mengatakan dia termotivasi untuk membalas dendam pada Maureen karena berselingkuh dia mengalami dengan Ayah Billy, Hank (CW Morgan), yang mendorong ibunya pergi. Gale, thought dead by the killers, intervenes. Gale, pikir mati oleh pembunuh, campur. Sidney takes advantage of this to turn the tables on her attackers, killing Stu. Sidney mengambil keuntungan dari ini untuk mengubah tabel pada penyerangnya, membunuh Stu. Randy is revealed to be wounded but alive. Randy adalah diturunkan menjadi terluka tapi masih hidup. Billy attacks Sidney but she shoots him through the head, killing him. Billy serangan Sidney tapi ia menembak dia melalui kepala, membunuh dia. As the sun rises and police arrive, a badly-injured Dewey is taken away by ambulance and Gale makes an impromptu news report about the night's events. Saat matahari terbit dan polisi tiba, sebuah Dewey buruk-luka dibawa pergi dengan ambulans dan Gale membuat laporan berita dadakan tentang kejadian malam itu.

cream adalah titik balik dalam hal casting untuk genre horor, yang biasanya melibatkan aktor relatif tidak dikenal. The genre was considered unsuitable for bigger names as the films had lower budgets and often attained negative critical response. [ 6 ] Drew Barrymore read the script and was interested in being involved. Genre itu dianggap tidak cocok untuk nama-nama besar sebagai film memiliki anggaran yang lebih rendah dan sering mencapai tanggapan kritis negatif. [6] Drew Barrymore membaca naskah dan tertarik terlibat. She approached the production team herself to request a role. Dia mendekati tim produksi sendiri untuk meminta peran. Barrymore, a member of the Barrymore family of actors and granddaughter of actor John Barrymore , had become a star in her own right following her appearance in ET the Extra-Terrestrial (1982). Barrymore, anggota keluarga Barrymore aktor dan cucu dari aktor John Barrymore , telah menjadi bintang dalam haknya sendiri berikut penampilannya di ET the Extra-Terrestrial (1982). The producers were quick to take advantage of her unexpected interest, and signed her to play the lead role of Sidney Prescott . [ 3 ] [ 5 ] Her involvement was believed to be instrumental in attracting other popular actors to the film in spite of its smaller budget, and in causing Craven to reconsider his decision to direct the film. [ 3 ] Before filming began, Barrymore was faced with unexpected commitments that meant she would no longer be available to play the demanding lead role. Para produsen dengan cepat mengambil keuntungan dari bunga tak terduga, dan ditandatangani-nya untuk memainkan peran utama Sidney Prescott . [3] [5] Keterlibatannya diyakini menjadi instrumen dalam menarik aktor populer lainnya untuk film meskipun yang lebih kecil anggaran, dan dalam menyebabkan Craven untuk mempertimbangkan kembali keputusannya untuk mengarahkan film. [3] Sebelum film dimulai, Barrymore dihadapkan dengan komitmen yang tak terduga yang berarti ia tidak akan lagi tersedia untuk memainkan peran utama menuntut. She instead played the smaller role of Casey Becker , which allowed her to remain involved and still gave the production the advantage of her stature. [ 5 ] Killing off one of their biggest stars early in the film was considered a calculated risk, but it was believed that it would be so shocking and unexpected that the audience would then believe that any character could die. [ 9 ] Actresses including Alicia Witt and Brittany Murphy auditioned for the lead role of Sidney; the producers also approached Reese Witherspoon , though she never auditioned. [ 4 ] Craven had seen Neve Campbell in the TV show Party of Five and asked her to audition for the part. Dia bukan memainkan peran yang lebih kecil dari Casey Becker , yang memungkinkan dia untuk tetap terlibat dan masih memberikan produksi keuntungan dari perawakan nya. [5] Membunuh dari salah satu bintang terbesar mereka di awal film itu dianggap sebagai resiko yang diperhitungkan, tapi percaya bahwa itu akan sangat mengejutkan dan tak terduga bahwa penonton kemudian akan percaya bahwa setiap karakter bisa mati. [9] Aktris termasuk Alicia Witt dan Brittany Murphy mengikuti audisi untuk peran utama Sidney, para produsen juga mendekati Reese Witherspoon , meskipun dia tidak pernah mengikuti audisi . [4] Craven telah melihat Neve Campbell di acara TV Party of Five dan memintanya untuk audisi untuk bagian. He believed she could portray a character who was "innocent", but who could also realistically handle herself while dealing with the physical conflict and emotions required by the role. [ 3 ] [ 9 ] Campbell was initially reluctant to perform in another horror film so soon after her supporting role in The Craft . [ 3 ] After a successful audition, Campbell accepted an offer to play the lead character. Dia percaya dia bisa memerankan karakter yang "bersalah", tetapi yang juga bisa realistis menangani dirinya sendiri ketika berhadapan dengan konflik fisik dan emosi yang dibutuhkan oleh peran. [3] [9] Campbell awalnya enggan untuk tampil di film horor lain sehingga segera setelah perannya pendukung dalam The Craft . [3] Setelah audisi sukses, Campbell menerima tawaran untuk memainkan karakter utama. She accepted because Scream would be her first leading role, and because she adored the character, saying "She's a fantastic character for any kind of movie." [ 11 ] Dia diterima karena Scream akan menjadi peran utama pertamanya, dan karena dia memuja karakter, mengatakan "Dia karakter yang fantastis untuk setiap jenis film." [11]
The central young cast of Scream . Para pemain muda pusat Scream. From left to right: Ulrich, Campbell, Lillard, McGowan, and Kennedy Dari kiri ke kanan: Ulrich, Campbell, Lillard, McGowan, dan Kennedy
For the character of news reporter Gale Weathers , the studio wanted a recognizable actress. Untuk karakter reporter berita Gale Weathers , studio menginginkan aktris dikenali. They auditioned Brooke Shields and Janeane Garofalo . [ 4 ] Courteney Cox , who was starring in the NBC sitcom Friends at the time, approached the production herself to pursue the role. Mereka audisi Brooke Shields dan Janeane Garofalo . [4] Courteney Cox , yang dibintangi di NBC sitkom Friends pada saat itu, mendekati produksi sendiri untuk mengejar peran. She was interested in playing a "bitch" character to offset her "nice" Friends image. Dia tertarik bermain dengan "jalang" karakter untuk mengimbangi "baik" nya citra Teman. This image was the main reason why the producers initially refused to consider Cox for the part. Gambar ini adalah alasan utama mengapa para produsen awalnya menolak untuk mempertimbangkan Cox untuk bagian. Cox continued to lobby the studio as she felt she could believably play the character; her efforts ultimately succeeded. [ 3 ] Actresses Melinda Clarke and Rebecca Gayheart auditioned for the role of Tatum Riley , before Rose McGowan was cast. Cox terus lobi studio saat ia merasa believably bisa memainkan karakter; usahanya akhirnya berhasil. [3] Aktris Melinda Clarke dan Rebecca Gayheart mengikuti audisi untuk peran Tatum Riley , sebelum Rose McGowan dilemparkan. The casting director believed she best embodied the "spunky", "cynical" but "innocent" nature of the character. [ 4 ] The studio felt the strong female cast of Campbell, Barrymore, Cox, and McGowan would help draw a significant female audience to the film. [ 9 ] Gayheart would later receive a role in Scream 2 . [ 3 ] Direktur casting percaya dia yang terbaik diwujudkan "gagah", "sinis" tapi "tidak bersalah" sifat karakter. [4] studio merasakan cor perempuan kuat Campbell, Barrymore, Cox, dan McGowan akan membantu menarik penonton wanita signifikan film tersebut. [9] Gayheart kemudian akan menerima peran di Scream 2. [3]
Kevin Patrick Walls and Justin Whalin were amongst the final candidates for the key role of Sidney's boyfriend Billy Loomis . [ 9 ] Whalin took part in auditions with Campbell. [ 4 ] [ 12 ] Skeet Ulrich ultimately secured the role. Kevin Patrick Walls dan Justin Whalin berada di antara kandidat final untuk peran kunci Sidney pacar Billy Loomis . [9] Whalin mengambil bagian dalam audisi dengan Campbell. [4] [12] Skeet Ulrich akhirnya diamankan peran. The producers viewed him as "perfect" for the part and noted his resemblance to a young Johnny Depp as he appeared in A Nightmare on Elm Street , one of the many films Scream references. [ 4 ] Ulrich and Campbell had worked together on The Craft shortly before Scream . Para produsen memandangnya sebagai "sempurna" untuk bagian dan mencatat kemiripannya dengan muda Johnny Depp saat ia muncul di Nightmare on Elm Street Sebuah , salah satu referensi film Scream banyak. [4] Ulrich dan Campbell pernah bekerja sama Kerajinan The sesaat sebelum Scream. They believed the experience helped them be more comfortable with each other, which allowed a more natural portrayal of the relationship between their characters. [ 11 ] Though he failed to win the Loomis role, Walls remained in the film in the minor role of Steve Orth, boyfriend of Barrymore's Casey Becker. David Arquette was also approached for the role of Billy Loomis but he asked to read for the part of Dewey Riley after reading the script. [ 9 ] The role, described as " hunky ", was considered ill-fitting for Arquette's appearance and approach but Arquette was still allowed to audition for the part. Mereka percaya pengalaman membantu mereka lebih nyaman dengan satu sama lain, yang memungkinkan gambaran yang lebih alami dari hubungan antara karakter mereka. [11] Meskipun ia gagal untuk memenangkan peran Loomis, Dinding tetap dalam film dalam peran kecil dari Steve Orth , pacar Barrymore Casey Becker. David Arquette juga didekati untuk peran Billy Loomis tapi ia diminta untuk membaca bagian dari Dewey Riley setelah membaca script. [9] Peran, digambarkan sebagai " keren ", dianggap sakit- pas untuk penampilan Arquette dan pendekatan tapi Arquette masih diizinkan untuk audisi untuk bagian. Craven appreciated his softer, funnier approach to the character, and gave him the role. [ 3 ] Matthew Lillard was cast as Billy's friend Stu Macher by chance after accompanying his then-girlfriend to an unrelated audition taking place elsewhere in the same building. Craven menghargai pendekatan lebih lembut, lucu dengan karakter, dan memberinya peran. [3] Matius Lillard berperan sebagai Billy teman Stu Macher secara kebetulan usai mendampingi rekannya kemudian pacar ke audisi yang tidak berhubungan terjadi di tempat lain di gedung yang sama. Casting director Lisa Beach saw Lillard in the hallway and asked him to audition for the part. [ 4 ] He got into the role with "incredible ferocity". [ 8 ] The role of Randy Meeks was contested between Jamie Kennedy and Breckin Meyer . Direktur casting Lisa Beach melihat Lillard di lorong dan memintanya untuk audisi untuk bagian. [4] Dia masuk ke peran dengan "keganasan yang luar biasa". [8] Peran Randy Meeks itu diperebutkan antara Jamie Kennedy dan Breckin Meyer . The producers favored Kennedy, believing him to best embody the role. [ 4 ] As he had no major roles prior to Scream , the studio wanted a more prominent actor than Kennedy to play the character. Para produsen disukai Kennedy, percaya dia yang terbaik mewujudkan peran. [4] Karena ia tidak memiliki peran utama sebelum Scream, studio ingin aktor lebih menonjol dibanding Kennedy untuk bermain karakter. The producers were adamant that he was the best choice and successfully fought to keep him. [ 5 ] Roger L. Jackson , voice of the character Ghostface , was picked at the end of several weeks of local casting in Santa Rosa, where parts of Scream were filmed. [ 13 ] The producers had originally intended to use his voice only as a placeholder, dubbing over it during post-production. Para produsen bersikeras bahwa dia adalah pilihan terbaik dan berhasil berjuang untuk mempertahankannya. [5] Roger L. Jackson , suara karakter Ghostface , ditangkap pada akhir beberapa minggu pengecoran lokal di Santa Rosa, di mana bagian Scream difilmkan. [13] Para produsen awalnya ditujukan untuk menggunakan suaranya hanya sebagai placeholder, dubbing di atasnya selama pasca-produksi. They decided that Jackson's contribution was perfect and kept it. [ 14 ] Craven described it as an "intelligent" and "evil" voice that would become irreplaceable to the series. [ 15 ] To aid their performance, Jackson was never allowed to meet the other actors, preventing them from associating a face with the menacing voice. Mereka memutuskan bahwa kontribusi Jackson sempurna dan menyimpannya. [14] Craven digambarkan sebagai suara "cerdas" dan "jahat" yang akan menjadi tak tergantikan untuk seri. [15] Untuk membantu kinerja mereka, Jackson tidak pernah diizinkan untuk memenuhi aktor lainnya, mencegah mereka dari mengasosiasikan wajah dengan suara mengancam. Jackson was present on the set and spoke to actors by phone to help aid their performance. [ 9 ] Jackson hadir di set dan berbicara dengan aktor melalui telepon untuk membantu membantu kinerja mereka. [9]
The cast was rounded out by W. Gips itu bulat oleh W. Earl Brown , who played Gale Weather's cameraman Kenny ; Joseph Whipp , who portrayed Sheriff Burke; Lawrence Hecht as Sidney's father Neil Prescott ; and CW Morgan as Billy's father Hank Loomis. Liev Schreiber appeared in a minor role as Cotton Weary , the framed killer of Sidney's mother Maureen Prescott . Henry Winkler appeared as Principal Himbry , an aggressive school principal. Earl Brown , yang bermain Gale Weather kameramen Kenny ; Yusuf Whipp , yang digambarkan Sheriff Burke; Lawrence Hecht sebagai Sidney ayah Neil Prescott ;. dan CW Morgan sebagai Billy ayah Hank Loomis Liev Schreiber muncul dalam peran kecil sebagai Cotton Weary , pembunuh berbingkai Sidney ibu Maureen Prescott . Henry Winkler muncul sebagai Himbry Principal , seorang kepala sekolah yang agresif. He remained uncredited so as to not draw attention away from the young main cast. [ 9 ] Dia tetap uncredited sehingga tidak menarik perhatian dari para pemain utama muda

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