Jason Voorhees pergi dari anak almarhum sampai dewasa manusia untuk Jumat Bagian 13 2, dan Warrington Gillette dipekerjakan untuk memainkan peran. Gillette auditioned for the role of Paul; that role eventually went to John Furey. Gillette mengikuti audisi untuk peran Paulus, peran yang akhirnya pergi ke John Furey. Under the belief that he had attended the Hollywood Stuntman's School, Gillette was offered the role of Jason Voorhees. [ 64 ] Initially Gillette was unsure about the character, but the idea of starring in his first film grew on Gillette, [ 65 ] and he also thought the role was amusing. [ 64 ] It became apparent Gillette could not perform the necessary stunts, so the stunt coordinator Cliff Cudney brought in Steve Daskawisz. [ 66 ] Daskawisz filmed all of the scenes except the opening sequence and the unmasking shot at the end; Gillette returned for the unmasking scenes. Berdasarkan keyakinan bahwa ia telah menghadiri Sekolah stuntman Hollywood, Gillette ditawari peran Jason Voorhees. [64] Awalnya Gillette tidak yakin tentang karakter, tetapi gagasan membintangi film pertamanya tumbuh di Gillette, [65] dan dia juga berpikir peran itu lucu. [64] Ini menjadi jelas Gillette tidak dapat melakukan aksi yang diperlukan, sehingga koordinator aksi Cliff Cudney membawa Steve Daskawisz. [66] Daskawisz difilmkan semua adegan kecuali urutan pembukaan dan membuka topeng menembak akhir; Gillette kembali untuk adegan membuka topeng. Gillette received credit for playing Jason, while Daskawisz was given credit as the stunt double. Gillette menerima kredit untuk bermain Jason, sementara Daskawisz diberikan kredit sebagai pemeran pengganti. When Part 3 was released the following year, Daskawisz was credited as Jason for the reused footage from the climax of the film. [ 9 ] Initially, Daskawisz was asked to return to the role for Part 3 , but it would have required him to pay for his own transportation and housing during filming. Ketika Bagian 3 dirilis pada tahun berikutnya, Daskawisz dikreditkan sebagai Jason untuk rekaman kembali dari klimaks dari film. [9] Awalnya, Daskawisz diminta untuk kembali ke peran untuk Bagian 3, tetapi akan diperlukan untuk membayar transportasi sendiri dan perumahan selama syuting. Having secured a part on Guiding Light , Daskawisz declined. [ 66 ] Setelah dijamin bagian di Guiding Light , Daskawisz menurun. [66]
Now wanting a "bigger and stronger-looking" Jason, one that was also "more athletic and powerful", Steve Miner hired former British trapeze artist Richard Brooker . Sekarang menginginkan "lebih besar dan kuat-cari" Jason, yang juga "lebih atletis dan kuat", Steve Miner mempekerjakan mantan Inggris trapeze artis Richard Brooker . After a simple conversation, Miner decided he was the right person for the job. Setelah percakapan sederhana, Miner memutuskan dia orang yang tepat untuk pekerjaan itu. Being new to the country, Brooker believed that "playing a psychopathic killer" was the best way into the movie business. Menjadi baru ke negara itu, Brooker percaya bahwa "memainkan pembunuh psikopat" adalah cara terbaik ke dalam bisnis film. Brooker became the first actor to wear Jason's now-signature hockey mask. Brooker menjadi aktor pertama yang pakai sekarang-tanda tangan Jason topeng hoki. According to Brooker, "It felt great with the mask on. It just felt like I really was Jason because I didn't have anything to wear before that." [ 67 ] For The Final Chapter , Joseph Zito brought his own spin to the character, one that required a "real hardcore stuntman"; Ted White was hired to perform the role. [ 68 ] White, who only took the job for the money, did "get into the Jason psychology" when he arrived on the set. Menurut Brooker, "merasa Ini besar dengan topeng itu hanya merasa seperti aku benar-benar Jason karena saya tidak punya apa-apa memakai sebelum itu.." [67] Untuk Bab Akhir, Joseph Zito membawa spin sendiri ke karakter, yang diperlukan "stuntman hardcore nyata"; Ted Putih dipekerjakan untuk melakukan peran. [68] White, yang hanya mengambil pekerjaan untuk uang, tidak "masuk ke psikologi Jason" ketika ia tiba di set. White went so far as to not speak to any of the other actors for long stretches. [ 68 ] As filming continued, White's experience was not pleasant, and in one instance, he went to battle for co-star Judie Aronson , who played Samantha, when the director kept her naked in the lake for extended periods of time. Putih pergi sejauh untuk tidak berbicara dengan salah satu aktor-aktor lain untuk waktu yang lama. [68] Sebagai syuting terus, pengalaman Putih itu tidak menyenangkan, dan dalam satu contoh, ia pergi ke pertempuran untuk rekan-bintang Judie Aronson , yang bermain Samantha , ketika sutradara terus telanjang di danau untuk waktu yang lama. Displeased with his experience from filming, White had his name removed from the credits. [ 69 ] As with Friday the 13th Part 2 , there was confusion over who performed the role in A New Beginning , partly due to the fact that Jason is not the literal antagonist in the film. Senang dengan pengalaman dari film, Putih namanya dihapus dari kredit. [69] Seperti Jumat Bagian 13 2, ada kebingungan yang melakukan peran dalam A New Beginning, sebagian karena fakta bahwa Jason tidak literal antagonis dalam film. When Ted White turned down the opportunity to return, Dick Wieand was cast. [ 70 ] Wieand is credited as Roy Burns, the film's actual murderer, but it was stuntman Tom Morga who performed in the few flashes of Jason, as well as portraying Roy in almost all of the masked scenes. [ 71 ] Wieand has been outspoken about his lack of enthusiasm over his role in the film. Ketika Ted Putih menolak kesempatan untuk kembali, Dick Wieand dilemparkan. [70] Wieand dikreditkan sebagai Roy Burns, pembunuh sebenarnya film, tapi itu stuntman Tom Morga yang dilakukan dalam berkedip beberapa Jason, serta menggambarkan Roy di hampir semua adegan bertopeng. [71] Wieand telah blak-blakan tentang kurangnya antusiasme atas perannya dalam film. Feeling alienated during the shoot, Wieand spent most of his time in his trailer. [ 71 ] By comparison, Morga enjoyed his time as Jason and made sure he "really got into the character". [ 70 ] Merasa terasing selama syuting, Wieand menghabiskan sebagian besar waktunya di trailer nya. [71] Sebagai perbandingan, Morga menikmati waktunya sebagai Jason dan memastikan dia "benar-benar masuk ke karakter". [70]
A nightclub manager in Glendale, CJ Graham , was interviewed for the role of Jason in Jason Lives , but was initially passed over because he had no experience as a stuntman. [ 72 ] Dan Bradley was hired, but Paramount executives felt Bradley did not have the right physique to play the role, and Graham was hired to replace him. [ 73 ] Although Bradley was replaced early during filming, he can be seen in the paintball sequence of the film. [ 25 ] Graham opted to perform most of his own stunts, including the scene where Jason catches on fire while battling Tommy in the lake. [ 73 ] The rest of the cast spoke highly of Graham, remarking that he never complained during all the uncomfortable situations he was placed in. Graham had no intention of being an actor or a stuntman, but the idea of playing the "bad guy", and the opportunity to wear the prosthetics, intrigued him. Sebuah klub malam manajer di Glendale, CJ Graham , diwawancarai untuk peran Jason dalam Kehidupan Jason, tapi awalnya melewati karena ia tidak punya pengalaman sebagai stuntman. [72] Dan Bradley dipekerjakan, namun Paramount eksekutif merasa Bradley tidak memiliki sosok yang tepat untuk memainkan peran, dan Graham dipekerjakan untuk menggantikan dia. [73] Meskipun Bradley diganti awal selama syuting, ia dapat dilihat dalam urutan paintball film. [25] Graham memilih untuk melakukan sebagian sendiri stunts, termasuk adegan di mana Jason menangkap terbakar sementara berjuang melawan Tommy di danau. [73] Sisanya pemain berbicara sangat Graham, berkomentar bahwa ia tidak pernah mengeluh selama semua situasi yang tidak nyaman ia ditempatkan masuk Graham tidak punya niat menjadi seorang aktor atau stuntman, tetapi gagasan memainkan "orang jahat", dan kesempatan untuk memakai prostetik, tertarik padanya. Graham was not brought back to reprise the role, but has often been cited as speaking highly of his time in the part. [ 72 ] Graham tidak dibawa kembali ke Reprise peran, namun telah sering dikutip sebagai berbicara yang sangat besar waktunya di bagian. [72]
Kane Hodder took over the role in The New Blood , and played Jason in the next four films. Kane Hodder mengambil alih peran dalam The New Blood, dan bermain Jason dalam empat film berikutnya. He previously worked alongside director John Carl Buechler on a film called Prison . Dia sebelumnya bekerja bersama sutradara John Carl Buechler pada sebuah film yang disebut Penjara . Based on his experience working with Hodder, Buechler petitioned Frank Mancuso Jr. to hire him, but Mancuso was apprehensive about Hodder's limited size. Berdasarkan pengalamannya bekerja dengan Hodder, Buechler petisi Frank Mancuso Jr untuk mempekerjakan dia, tapi Mancuso mengkhawatirkan ukuran terbatas Hodder itu. Knowing he planned to use full body prosthetics, Buechler scheduled a test screening, the first in Friday the 13th history for the character, and Mancuso immediately gave Hodder approval upon seeing him. [ 74 ] It is Buechler's contention that Hodder gave Jason his first true personality, based on the emotions, specifically the rage, that Hodder would emit while acting the part. [ 74 ] According to Hodder, he wanted to "get in touch with Jason's thirst for revenge" and try to better understand his motivation to kill. [ 75 ] After viewing the previous films, Hodder decided that he would approach Jason as a more "quick and agile" individual than he had been portrayed in the previous sequels. [ 75 ] John Carl Buechler felt that Kane had "natural affinity for the role"—so much that Kane's appearance, when wearing the mask, would often terrify the cast, the crew, and in one incident a lone stranger that he came across on his walk back to his trailer. [ 75 ] Initially Frank Mancuso Jr. and Barbara Sachs planned to use a Canadian stuntperson for Jason Takes Manhattan . Mengetahui ia berencana untuk menggunakan prostetik tubuh penuh, Buechler menjadwalkan tes skrining, yang pertama di Friday sejarah 13 untuk karakter, dan Mancuso segera memberikan persetujuan Hodder saat melihat dia. [74] Ini adalah pendapat Buechler bahwa Hodder memberi Jason benar pertama kepribadian, berdasarkan emosi, khususnya kemarahan, yang Hodder akan memancarkan sementara bertindak bagian. [74] Menurut Hodder, ia ingin "berhubungan dengan rasa haus Jason balas dendam" dan mencoba untuk lebih memahami motivasi untuk membunuh. [75] Setelah melihat film sebelumnya, Hodder memutuskan bahwa ia akan mendekati Jason sebagai individu lebih "cepat dan tangkas" daripada yang telah digambarkan dalam sekuel sebelumnya. [75] John Carl Buechler merasa bahwa Kane telah "afinitas alamiah untuk peran "-begitu banyak bahwa penampilan Kane, saat mengenakan topeng, sering menakut-nakuti pemain, kru, dan dalam satu insiden seorang asing tunggal bahwa ia menemukan dalam perjalanan kembali ke trailer.
Now wanting a "bigger and stronger-looking" Jason, one that was also "more athletic and powerful", Steve Miner hired former British trapeze artist Richard Brooker . Sekarang menginginkan "lebih besar dan kuat-cari" Jason, yang juga "lebih atletis dan kuat", Steve Miner mempekerjakan mantan Inggris trapeze artis Richard Brooker . After a simple conversation, Miner decided he was the right person for the job. Setelah percakapan sederhana, Miner memutuskan dia orang yang tepat untuk pekerjaan itu. Being new to the country, Brooker believed that "playing a psychopathic killer" was the best way into the movie business. Menjadi baru ke negara itu, Brooker percaya bahwa "memainkan pembunuh psikopat" adalah cara terbaik ke dalam bisnis film. Brooker became the first actor to wear Jason's now-signature hockey mask. Brooker menjadi aktor pertama yang pakai sekarang-tanda tangan Jason topeng hoki. According to Brooker, "It felt great with the mask on. It just felt like I really was Jason because I didn't have anything to wear before that." [ 67 ] For The Final Chapter , Joseph Zito brought his own spin to the character, one that required a "real hardcore stuntman"; Ted White was hired to perform the role. [ 68 ] White, who only took the job for the money, did "get into the Jason psychology" when he arrived on the set. Menurut Brooker, "merasa Ini besar dengan topeng itu hanya merasa seperti aku benar-benar Jason karena saya tidak punya apa-apa memakai sebelum itu.." [67] Untuk Bab Akhir, Joseph Zito membawa spin sendiri ke karakter, yang diperlukan "stuntman hardcore nyata"; Ted Putih dipekerjakan untuk melakukan peran. [68] White, yang hanya mengambil pekerjaan untuk uang, tidak "masuk ke psikologi Jason" ketika ia tiba di set. White went so far as to not speak to any of the other actors for long stretches. [ 68 ] As filming continued, White's experience was not pleasant, and in one instance, he went to battle for co-star Judie Aronson , who played Samantha, when the director kept her naked in the lake for extended periods of time. Putih pergi sejauh untuk tidak berbicara dengan salah satu aktor-aktor lain untuk waktu yang lama. [68] Sebagai syuting terus, pengalaman Putih itu tidak menyenangkan, dan dalam satu contoh, ia pergi ke pertempuran untuk rekan-bintang Judie Aronson , yang bermain Samantha , ketika sutradara terus telanjang di danau untuk waktu yang lama. Displeased with his experience from filming, White had his name removed from the credits. [ 69 ] As with Friday the 13th Part 2 , there was confusion over who performed the role in A New Beginning , partly due to the fact that Jason is not the literal antagonist in the film. Senang dengan pengalaman dari film, Putih namanya dihapus dari kredit. [69] Seperti Jumat Bagian 13 2, ada kebingungan yang melakukan peran dalam A New Beginning, sebagian karena fakta bahwa Jason tidak literal antagonis dalam film. When Ted White turned down the opportunity to return, Dick Wieand was cast. [ 70 ] Wieand is credited as Roy Burns, the film's actual murderer, but it was stuntman Tom Morga who performed in the few flashes of Jason, as well as portraying Roy in almost all of the masked scenes. [ 71 ] Wieand has been outspoken about his lack of enthusiasm over his role in the film. Ketika Ted Putih menolak kesempatan untuk kembali, Dick Wieand dilemparkan. [70] Wieand dikreditkan sebagai Roy Burns, pembunuh sebenarnya film, tapi itu stuntman Tom Morga yang dilakukan dalam berkedip beberapa Jason, serta menggambarkan Roy di hampir semua adegan bertopeng. [71] Wieand telah blak-blakan tentang kurangnya antusiasme atas perannya dalam film. Feeling alienated during the shoot, Wieand spent most of his time in his trailer. [ 71 ] By comparison, Morga enjoyed his time as Jason and made sure he "really got into the character". [ 70 ] Merasa terasing selama syuting, Wieand menghabiskan sebagian besar waktunya di trailer nya. [71] Sebagai perbandingan, Morga menikmati waktunya sebagai Jason dan memastikan dia "benar-benar masuk ke karakter". [70]
"It's like all of a sudden you get to put a baseball uniform on, and you're the pitcher in the ninth inning of the World Series . It's an incredible feeling." "Ini seperti tiba-tiba Anda mendapatkan untuk meletakkan seragam bisbol, dan kau teko di inning kesembilan World Series Ini perasaan yang luar biasa.. "
Kane Hodder took over the role in The New Blood , and played Jason in the next four films. Kane Hodder mengambil alih peran dalam The New Blood, dan bermain Jason dalam empat film berikutnya. He previously worked alongside director John Carl Buechler on a film called Prison . Dia sebelumnya bekerja bersama sutradara John Carl Buechler pada sebuah film yang disebut Penjara . Based on his experience working with Hodder, Buechler petitioned Frank Mancuso Jr. to hire him, but Mancuso was apprehensive about Hodder's limited size. Berdasarkan pengalamannya bekerja dengan Hodder, Buechler petisi Frank Mancuso Jr untuk mempekerjakan dia, tapi Mancuso mengkhawatirkan ukuran terbatas Hodder itu. Knowing he planned to use full body prosthetics, Buechler scheduled a test screening, the first in Friday the 13th history for the character, and Mancuso immediately gave Hodder approval upon seeing him. [ 74 ] It is Buechler's contention that Hodder gave Jason his first true personality, based on the emotions, specifically the rage, that Hodder would emit while acting the part. [ 74 ] According to Hodder, he wanted to "get in touch with Jason's thirst for revenge" and try to better understand his motivation to kill. [ 75 ] After viewing the previous films, Hodder decided that he would approach Jason as a more "quick and agile" individual than he had been portrayed in the previous sequels. [ 75 ] John Carl Buechler felt that Kane had "natural affinity for the role"—so much that Kane's appearance, when wearing the mask, would often terrify the cast, the crew, and in one incident a lone stranger that he came across on his walk back to his trailer. [ 75 ] Initially Frank Mancuso Jr. and Barbara Sachs planned to use a Canadian stuntperson for Jason Takes Manhattan . Mengetahui ia berencana untuk menggunakan prostetik tubuh penuh, Buechler menjadwalkan tes skrining, yang pertama di Friday sejarah 13 untuk karakter, dan Mancuso segera memberikan persetujuan Hodder saat melihat dia. [74] Ini adalah pendapat Buechler bahwa Hodder memberi Jason benar pertama kepribadian, berdasarkan emosi, khususnya kemarahan, yang Hodder akan memancarkan sementara bertindak bagian. [74] Menurut Hodder, ia ingin "berhubungan dengan rasa haus Jason balas dendam" dan mencoba untuk lebih memahami motivasi untuk membunuh. [75] Setelah melihat film sebelumnya, Hodder memutuskan bahwa ia akan mendekati Jason sebagai individu lebih "cepat dan tangkas" daripada yang telah digambarkan dalam sekuel sebelumnya. [75] John Carl Buechler merasa bahwa Kane telah "afinitas alamiah untuk peran "-begitu banyak bahwa penampilan Kane, saat mengenakan topeng, sering menakut-nakuti pemain, kru, dan dalam satu insiden seorang asing tunggal bahwa ia menemukan dalam perjalanan kembali ke trailer.
Selasa, 21 Juni 2011
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